The Do's and Don'ts for a Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals can be convenient, but they come with a list of do's and don'ts. Here are some valuable tips to keep your disposal running smoothly, especially during the holiday season.

The Do's:

  1. Do run cold water: Always turn on the cold water before and during the use of your garbage disposal. It helps solidify grease and oils, making them easier to chop and flush out. Keep the water running for a few seconds after turning off the disposal to ensure all the waste is flushed away.

  2. Do use small pieces: Cut food waste into smaller pieces before putting them into the disposal. This prevents overloading and allows the blades to chop the waste into smaller, manageable bits.

  3. Do clean regularly: To maintain a fresh-smelling and efficient garbage disposal, clean it regularly. Use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar or citrus peels to eliminate odors. You can also purchase specialized cleaning products designed for garbage disposals.

  4. Do grind hard materials: Grinding hard materials like small chicken or fish bones can help keep the blades sharp. This also helps remove any debris stuck on the blades, ensuring optimal performance.

  5. Do use with caution: Always be cautious when operating the garbage disposal. Keep your hands and utensils away from the opening. Use a long-handled spoon or tongs to remove any stuck items. Safety should be a priority at all times.

The Don'ts:

  1. Don't put non-food items into the disposal: Avoid putting non-food items like plastic, metal, glass, or paper into the garbage disposal. These can damage the blades and lead to clogging or malfunctioning.

  2. Don't pour grease or oil down the drain: Grease and oil solidify and create clogs in your pipes. Instead of pouring them down the drain, collect them in a container and dispose of them in the trash.

  3. Don't overload: Avoid stuffing large amounts of food waste into the disposal at once. Overloading can strain the motor, jam the blades, and lead to clogs. Feed the disposal gradually to ensure smooth operation.

  4. Don't grind fibrous or stringy food waste: Fibrous food waste like celery, corn husks, onion skins, or artichokes can wrap around the blades and cause

Have a problem with your garbage disposal, or any other plumbing or gas line issue? We’re here to help!

(410) 242-3111


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